Pink Noise, a Glasgow collective, created an open call for musicians and visual artists. Musicians were asked to submit a track inspired by their 'personal bothy' - wherever they were living at the time (which was in the covid pandemic). Visual artists that were selected would then be sent the tracks of successful music submissions and would be free  to create media for the artist they were paired with.

Here is the resulting collaboration from Lea Molinier and myself. Below is my personal statement: 

My personal ‘bothy’ is my parents house in a small town in the countryside.  
It’s situated in a valley and is reminiscent of my childhood. This led me to sample the sounds around me and create a piece of childish IDM . Cycling past Grey Mares Tail, I became aware of how rural the backdrop to my youth was. This contrasts with the usual city sounds I’m now accustomed to. Working on this piece, I realised it had become atmospheric and less child-like - reflecting my experience of returning home as an adult.  
DM12, MS20, TB-303,  Bells, Kitchen Pots, Lou Reed